The FDA has just lifted the 14 year ban on silicone gel breast implants. The moratorium was placed on these implants after numerous women came forward with what were believed to be arthritis and other diseases from gel implants. Subsequent large scale studies have not proven any connection between silicone gel implants and these "connective tissue diseases."
What's the difference between gel implants and saline implants? A lot. Prior to today, the U.S. was the only major industrialized country to ban the use of these implants. Gel implants feel and look much more realistic than saline implants. There is no comparison between the two cosmetically.
MEDIA: If you would like to speak with me about the subject of silicone gel breast implants, feel free to email me at miplasticsurgeon@yahoo.com or call my office at 248-650-1900 and have me paged if it is after hours.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
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