The newest Michael Jackson rumor circulating on the internet is that he may be getting treated for skin cancer. According to the Sun:
A source said: “Michael’s tests showed spots of skin cancer on his body, and cells which could turn to skin cancer on his face... He was at first very concerned, but says he has been assured by the doctors that they can treat this and he will recover... Michael is really looking forward to his concerts and is determined to wow his fans at each and every gig... He said he’s insisted that any treatment must fit around the concerts, and the show will go on.”
Jacko, who has been seen making regular visits to his Beverly Hills dermatologist wearing a mask and surgical cap, received the shock diagnosis last month.
The most common skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma, which almost never spreads to other organs or kills people. If left untreated, it just tends to get larger and larger. Pre-cancerous cells can often be treated without surgery.
For all you MJ fans, I bet that he'll be just fine.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
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